CS 241: Data Structures—Final Exam Review Notes
Important notes!
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About the exam
the final exam will take place on Monday, May 13, 2019, from 8-11 am, in the usual lecture room (Ford 202)
the exam will be designed so that you should be able to complete it in one-and-a-half to two hours
you will not have access to books, notes, computers, networks or neighbors during the exam
(you may use scratch paper and it will be supplied if needed; you are encouraged to ask your instructor for clarifications during the exam if necessary)
In preparing for the exam, you should consult:
your textbook (see especially chapters and sections mentioned below)
your notes from lecture and lab—these are likely to be especially helpful
the home page for the course and various links, examples, etc., provided there
… and also especially the lab assignments linked from the home page, as well as your own programs
the sample quizzes on the homepage
Format: the exam will consist of several kinds of questions; typically:
10-15 True-or-False questions at 1-2 points each
8-10 short answer questions at 4-6 points each
2-4 longer answer questions at 8-15 points each
These review notes are not exhaustive, but are meant as a guide to coverage—see other sources for details!
The final exam is comprehensive!
But there will naturally be some emphasis on material from after the midterm
For more information on the midterm, see the Midterm Review Notes
… but here are the main subject areas again (with book chapters) for the midterm material:
General background to Data Structures and modularity
Chapter 1, section 1.1; also Chapter 3, section 3.1
Math review and recursion
Chapter 1, sections 1.2-1.3
Java review and new features
Chapter 1, sections 1.4-1.5
Review—see external notes!
Algorithm analysis and asymptotics (O notation)
Chapter X, sections y-z
Arrays, ArrayLists and linked lists
Chapter 3, sections 3.2-3.5
Stacks and Queues
Chapter 3, sections 3.6-3.7
Infix and Postfix expressions
Chapter 3, sections 3.6.3
See Chapter 4 of the text, especially sections 4.1-4.4 and 4.6 (peruse also splay trees in 4.5)
Tree definitions and terminology
A tree is a collection structure which can hold elements in positions called nodes;
a tree is a linked structure, but unlike a linked list, each node may have several linked nodes
nodes: the “places” where data items are kept in the tree
links: the connections between nodes (represented as references/“pointers” in Java)
path: a sequence of links between nodes (and the nodes along the way, depending on context)
root: the top node of a tree
sub-tree: a node in a tree considered as a root of its own tree
children: the nodes immediately below a given node (similarly for grandchildren, descendants, etc.)
parent: the node immediately above a given node (similarly for grandparent, ancestors, etc.)
height: the number of links between the root of a tree and its furthest descendant
internal nodes: nodes which have a child
leaf or external node: nodes which have no children (or all null children, in a Java implementation)
fringe: the set of all leaves of a tree, considered as a sequence
ordered versus unordered: we usually, but not necessarily, think of the children of a node as ordered, from left to right, say
sharing and cycles: in a proper tree, no node had two parents (no sharing) and no links go back “up” from a node to one of its ancestors (or cousins, etc.): such paths would be called cycles
in a graph, by contrast, nodes are connected by links in arbitrary ways: possibly no root, possibly sharing and cycles, possibly even multiple sets of disconnected nodes (sub-graphs)
General trees
in a general tree, any node may have an arbitrary number of children
we could represent children in a general tree using any (ordered) collection, but a linked list might be best
we can also use a first-child/next-sibling representation, which shows that a binary-tree structure can be used to represent a general tree (in this case the “next sibling” links form a kind of linked list)
Binary trees
when every node in a tree has at most two children and they are distinguished as left- and right-children
in other words, when every node has a left and right child, either of which may be null
Expression trees
since arithmetic is built mostly out of binary operators, we can represent arithmetic expressions as
binary trees, where the internal nodes hold operators and the leaves are numeric constants (literals)
expressions can be written in various systematic styles: infix with parentheses (the usual), postfix or prefix
postfix puts the arguments first, then the operator afterwards (post-position); prefix is the opposite
postfix and prefix forms never need parentheses
you should be able to convert between different forms of expressions for the exam!!
various tree traversals (see below) yield similar representations of expressions
except for the parentheses of inorder/infix, which must be generated separately, before and after the left and right subtrees
Tree traversals
a tree traversal is a process visiting all the nodes (or elements thereof) in a tree
typical traversals are implemented recursively: we “visit” the node and recursively traverse the sub-trees, in some order
by varying the relative order of node visitation and sub-tree traversal, we get different standard orders:
left-right pre-order: visit node, traverse left, traverse right
left-right inorder: traverse left, visit node, traverse right
left-right postorder: traverse left, traverse right, visit node
… and so on, for three others but right-to-left (6 possible permutations all together)
if we want to implement the Iterator interface, we can’t use recursion: use an explicit stack instead
if we substitute a queue for the stack, we get breadth-first traversals (also known as level-order)
Binary search trees
a binary search tree is a binary tree whose elements support some ordering, and where:
all the nodes to the left of the root hold values that are less than the the one in the root
all the nodes to the right of the root hold values that are greater than the the one in the root
similarly for all sub-trees (i.e., same rule throughout the tree)
equal values can be handled in several ways (keep counts in nodes, or just ignore if duplication is not important)
binary search trees (BSTs) implement the Dictionary<K,V> interface, allowing values to be looked up by key
insertion and lookup in a BST can be very efficient (O(log n)) if the tree is sufficiently “bushy”:
compare value being inserted (or sought) to the element in the root, go left or right as appropriate
height of a bushy tree is O(log n) where n is the total number of elements
int the worst case, successive insertion of items already in order (or in reverse order) will result in a long, skinny, “tilted” tree with O(n) lookups
Deletion from BSTs
deletion from a BST depends on some cases:
deletion of a leaf is easy: just set the reference in the parent to null
deletion of a node with a single child is almost as easy: just re-set the reference int he parent to circumvent the deleted node
if a node has two children, look for the “adjacent node” (next smaller or next larger) in the tree;
this will be in the “inside corner” of one of the sub-trees (extreme left of right sub-tree or vice versa);
replace the element in the deleted node with that from the insider corner node, then delete that node (which is easier)
Balanced trees (AVL)
since “bushy” or balanced trees are important to make BSTs efficient, it is worth considering how to keep trees balanced
many possible definitions of balance, but it is not enough that the tree “balances” around the root like a coat hanger
for AVL trees, the difference in height between sub-trees must be at most one (throughout the tree)
for the exam, you should be able to recognize this property of a tree
when inserting a node, an AVL tree may get out of balance: we correct this by performing rotations
there are several cases to consider, with symmetries, some requiring single and some requiring double rotations
see the textbook pages 123-136 for details, examples and pictures
Splay trees
See text section 4.5 on splay trees
a splay tree is a binary search tree without a special notion of balance
instead, we always bring the accessed item to the root (top) when we search for something
the splaying operation, which brings the item to the root, is similar to a series of tree rotations along the path
the splaying operation takes O(log n) time, amortized over many operations
splay trees provide an amortized good behavior: over many operations, the average is guaranteed
you are not responsible for the details of the “zig-zig” or “zig-zag” cases of the splay operation
Other kinds of trees
there are many other kinds of trees that maintain balance using rotations: red-black trees, B-trees, 2-3 trees, etc.
you don’t need to know the details of any other kinds of trees, but should be aware of the general notion of tree, and that there are many variations
we did not study graphs in detail, but remember that they are a more generalized version of trees
a graph consists of a collection of nodes and edges between them
a graph need not be completely connected, have a root, or be “downward”-directed
a tree is a: rooted, connected, directed graph, often with ordered children, but with no sharing or cycle
Priority queues and binary heaps
See Chapter 6 of the text (esp. 6.1through 6.4)
Abstraction levels
a priority queue is an ADT (abstract data type) supporting insertion of prioritized items, and removal of the highest priority item
(priority queues based on integer orderings can either be based on minimum or maximum items as “high priority”)
a binary heap is an implementation idea for priority queues using left-complete binary trees
a binary heap may be implemented in an array, giving especially fast access to the children and parents of a “node”
Linear implementations
there are obvious, but ultimately naïve, implementations of a priority queue using a linked list (say)
like a normal queue, we add to one end (the tail of the list) and remove from the other
we can either choose to honor the priority ordering on:
the way in (search for proper position on insertion)
or the way our (search for highest priority item on removal)
either way, the naïve implementations lead to an O(1) versus O(n) split for insertion and removal
(in other words, one of the two operations will be especially expensive in time)
the binary heap, by contrast, provides both operations in O(log n) time: faster and more consistent
Binary heaps (as trees)
the binary heap implementation has both a structural aspect and an ordering aspect
we can store the items in a left-complete binary tree (filled up all the way to the bottom row and then from the left)
the heap order: the values in the descendants of every node are lower priority than the value in the node
NOTE: there is no left/right aspect; as long as all descendants are lower priority, the heap order is satisfied
this is a “looser” order than in a binary search tree, whence the name “heap”
for both operations: restore structure first, then heap order
to insert: add at next position in bottom row (last in level-order traversal), then “bubble up” to right place
to remove(Min): take from root, then move last place item to root & bubble down
both operations take O(log n) time (with good constants) since the tree is guaranteed to be a minimum height
in both cases, we can save even more time by swapping “holes” rather than actual value
(this saves time because we make only one re-assignment per move until the end)
to build the original heap (buildHeap): start bubble up each node starting from first with child (in reverse level-order traversal)
Binary heap in an array
we can avoid allocating actual tree nodes by making a left-complete binary tree in an array
store the items in positions indexed starting from 1 in level-order
every node’s parent is in index n/2 (rounding down)
every node’s children are in indices 2n and 2n+1
these operations (involving multiplication and division by 2) can be implemented very quickly as bit shifts
Applications of priority queues
printer queues: in the old days, printers were shared by so many that priority was used to determine printing order
priority queues are used as “internal” structures in the implementation of many advanced algorithms (esp. for graphs)
sorting! (priority queues are used in the so-called “heapsort” algorithm)
Other variations on priority queues and heaps
you are not responsible for the exam for variations, but you should know there are many (d-heaps, leftist heaps, binomial queues, fibonacci heaps, etc.)
most variations support extra operations well, such as merging two priority queues
Hashing and hash tables
See Chapter 5 of the text, especially sections 5.1-5.4
Dictionary interface: look values up by key
often the key is a field in a larger value object
can be implemented in O(log n) time using a BST (see above)
… but it would be better to have O(1)!
solution: keep items in an array
but under what index?
basic idea: chop up and mash around the keys (i.e., as numbers, using their bits)
we want a “messy”, random-seeming (but repeatable!) process which distributes keys well
unfortunately, it may happen that two keys collide under the hash function
use the modulus operator (%) to limit the hash results to the table size (-1)
what do we want from hash function?
coverage: all slots (not limited in magnitude or ability to hit), even distribution
lack of collisions (as much as possible)
collision resolution strategies
separate chaining: use a list of items hanging off each array entry
internal addressing/probing: try to insert at nearby slots if the preferred one is filled
… but there are problems due to clustering (“clumps” of filled entries, which tend to grow in size)
linear probing: try successive entries (but primary clustering)
quadratic probing: square the “attempt number” to get an offset (but secondary clustering)
best bets for hashing
well-chosen table size (about twice as much as there is data, and use a prime number)
use a well-distributed hash function
See Chapter 7 of the text, especially sections 7.1-7.8
Introduction to sorting
one of the most common operations
ordered data supports binary search (fast!)
comparison interfaces in Java
Comparable—internal/“natural”: this.compareTo(that)
Comparator—external: compare(this, that)
both return an integer: negative (this is less), zero, positive
Naïve sorting
selection sort: next ordered item selected and added physically next in the result
insertion sort: next physical item inserted into proper place in the ordered result
bubble sort: repeatedly swap items, “bubbling up” to the boundary
average- vs. best- vs. worst-case
time bounds: O(n2)
Better sorting
tree sort: put items into a binary search tree, then traverse
heap sort: put items into a heap, then pull them all out (with repeated deleteMin)
quick sort: split items using pivot, then recursively sort the two parts
merge sort: split items into tow halves, recursively sort, then merge back together
time bounds: O(n log n) in average case (but can be bad for sorted data)
hard bounds on comparison-based sorting: no comparison-based sort can do better than O(n log n)
A rational reconstruction of (many) sorts
hard-easy division: either hard-split/easy-join or easy-split/hard-join (you have to do the work somewhere)
one-many versus half-and-half split: the latter is better, since we get the power of divide-and conquer (logarithmic times)