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# A quick Python module for generating random "names"
# (i.e., pairs of short strings of letters, capitalized)
# For WU CS 241: Data Structures, Fall 2020; Fritz Ruehr
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# We use the standard Python random module for choices and
# random ranges (randrange)
# See: <https://docs.python.org/3/library/random.html>

import random

alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

# A name is the join of some random choices of alphabetic 
# letters, of length k, where k is itself a choice of a 
# number between parameters min and max, then capitalized.

def name(min,max):
    return ( ''.join (
                random.choices( alphabet, 
                                k = random.randrange(min,max) ))

# first names tend to be shorter, last names a bit longer

def firstname():
    return name(3,8)

def lastname():
    return name(5,10)

# A quick test function to print out ten random names

def test():
    for i in range(10):
        print(firstname(), lastname())

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