V CS 254: Intro. to Functional Programming—Final Exam Review Notes
> Important note!
V Information on the exam
* The exam will be held on Monday 11 May from 2-5pm in the usual lecture room (Collins 408). The exam is scheduled for three hours, but you may well find that you finish early ...
* The exam will be comprehensive (i.e., cover topics from the whole semester), but topics since the midterm will be covered more heavily
V The exam will consist of several kinds of questions; typically:
* 10-15 True-or-False questions at 1-2 points each
* 8-10 short answer questions at 4-6 points each
* 2-4 longer answer questions at 8-15 points each
* You won't be asked to write long programs, but perhaps to read and/or complete some medium-length ones (for Haskell, this means 2-4 lines).
* You might also be asked to find certain kinds of errors in a program you read.
* The emphasis is more on conceptual issues than the labs usually are (labs emphasize practice programming).
* You should review your lecture notes to study, as well as the textbook Chapters 1-5 (and parts of 6, 8 and 9).
* Any definitions you need from the Prelude will be supplied and described for you.
V See the midterm review for a summary of topics from the last exam
V A functional approach to graphics
V Representing pictures as functions
* pictures can be understood as functions from space to color
* for us, space is indexed by 2-dimensional cartesian coordinates, either discrete or "real"
* for us, color was either ASCII characters or natural numbers in a certain range (implicit RGB components)
V Combinators for picture composition
* figures like circles and rectangles are not naturally functions on the whole space to colors
* we represent them as functions to Maybe Color: the Nothing case allows for a "transparent background"
* figures can then be composited together, like overlaying transparency slides
* we can use a fold to extend pairwise overlays (non-commutative) to lists
* a final background color (for the whole space) can be added at the end, to make a picture
V Basic shapes and transformations
* basic shapes like circles or rectangles can be defined via their "charactertistic functions"
(i.e., where an equation about them is True or False)
* transformations like shifting scaling are easy (add or multiply) but you must remember to invert them!!
* more complex transformations just require more math (algebraic geometry); e.g., skewing, twisting, etc.
V Other issues
* aliasing (jaggies)
* variations: 3-dimensional (or 1-dimensional)
* variations: animations as functions from time to pictures
V Trees: binary and general
V Trees as non-linear, recursive data types
* we have already seen examples of linear recursions in data types: natural numbers and lists
V trees use a non-linear form of recursion: each "node" may have a pair (or a list) of children
* data BTree a = Tip | BNode a (BTree a) (BTree a)
* data Rose a = Branch a [Rose a]
* functions on trees are usually defined by pattern-matching and recursion or using folds
V Some basic operations on trees
* "metrics" on trees which return numbers: size and height
* traversals on trees returning lists of items: inorder, preorder, postorder, level-order
* transformations returning new trees: map and mirror
V Applications of trees: binary search trees
* basic idea: node values are arranged by an ordering, everything to left is <, everything to right is >
* allows finding items by node value in time proportional to height of tree (base 2 log, when bushy)
V Folds: a program structuring mechanism
* Capturing patterns of recursion
* Folds "eliminate" structure using parameter functions
* Sample functions written as folds
* Unfolds transform a seed value into a structure (such as list or tree)
V Proofs about programs
* Theorems about programs are usually (universally-quantified) equations
* Equations should be between well-typed terms of the same type
* Proofs may involve lemmas (useful sub-theorems), just as functions do
V Proof by induction
* instantiate goal to several cases
* assume goal is true for recursive parts as a local assumption toward proving larger goal
V Algebraic languages: syntax and semantics
* Abstract syntax of terms is like a tree (with binary operators for nodes)
* Concrete syntax can be parsed from a string to a tree
* Semantics is a fold over the tree, replacing operator symbols with functions
V Monads: an abstract notion of sequencing
* Monads are a type (constructor) class providing return and bind (>>=)
* Monads provide for an abstract notion of sequencing operations
* Some monads are containers (e.g., lists): sequencing involves flattening
* Monad for state involves sequencing of access to a changing "background"
V Games and interaction
* Turn-based games are naturally programmed as interactive dialogues
* Define data types capturing information implicit in a turn (player's choices)
* Capture the "state of the game" as a Haskell value (e.g., matrix for waffle)
* Print intermediate states for user to contemplate
* Other uses: analyze boards, compute statistics, program computer to play
V Web programming with Haskell
* About HTML and web pages
* Combinators for tagged markup
* Structure of a sample web app
* When to use Haskell for the web