Programming Lab #3:

Assigned: Wed 1 Apr 1998

Due: Thu 9 Apr 1998

General description

For this project you will write a program which:

  • implements a doubly-linked list class (DLLs), including several access and manipulation methods,
  • uses a simple command-line driver to read in commands and numbers from interactive user input,
  • allows the user to create and test instances of DLLs via this command-line interface.

Your implementation should create an empty DLL for the user when it is first started up, and then accept commands to traverse or modify the list. You only need to create a single list (conceptually, creating several should be easy in an object-oriented environment). Your list should be generic, but for the purposes of the lab we will just use integers via the "MyInteger" wrapper.

This assignment is based on the one given in the Weiss text as Programming Project 16.14 on page 452 of the text, although with a couple of additions for advancement and printing.

Note I am not requiring that you implement a DCL, or doubly-circularly linked list; however, you may do so if you wish. If so, you should be prepared to describe (in person at demo time and on paper for the hard-copy version) what differences were motivated by this change, including e.g. changes in the command structure and error conditions. Implementation of the DCL will not count as extra credit, but should be motivated by your own desire for some extra fun.

For details on the methods you should support, the command-line interface, error reporting, etc., see below.

Note that it will be helpful to consult the textbook for information on implementation techniques.

Commands and command syntax

The following provides some more explanation about each of the methods listed in the textbook. You should write a class (say, DLLIter) which implements each of the methods described here.

  • moveToHead and moveToTail methods: these should dynamically update the list so that whatever item is current is moved to the head or tail position, respectively. The list should be "stitched back together" at the point where the current item is removed. After one of these methods is invoked, the current item should be changed to be the head or tail, respectively.
  • first and last methods: these should dynamically update the current item reference so that it refers to the head or tail of the list, respectively.
  • advance and retreat methods: these should move the current item reference forward or backward by one list item.
  • insertBefore and insertAfter methods: these should insert a given item before or after the current item (the item itself will be specified as an integer following the command code on the line).
  • findFirst and findLast methods: these might have been better named "findForward" and "findBackward", as they are intended to search in the forward and backward direction, but note that they are to begin the search at the first or last item, respectively.
  • removeFirst and removeLast methods: these should search for and remove an item, in either a forward or backward direction, and then remove the item. The new current item should be the one after the removed one (if searching forward with removeFirst) or before the removed item (if searching backward with removeLast). In the special case where the last (resp. first) item in the list is removed, make the current item the one just before (resp. after) the removed one, if possible (i.e., if the list is non-empty after the removal).
  • printFirst and printLast methods: these should print out the current list in one direction or the other (forward or reverse). The integers should be printed with intervening blanks, except that the current item should be printed with asterisks on either side as well (e.g., 1 2 3 *4* 5 6).
A note on errors: for each of the above operations/methods, you should give an explicit report if an error occurs, i.e., if there is no way to perform the requested operation. For example, if the DLL is empty, there is no current item to move anywhere. For the insertion commands, this will not matter. For the search ("find") commands, you should give an error, though you may wish to phrase it as a "warning" (the command can be properly complied with, but the results are unlikely to reflect the user's intentions.

Note also that, just as for the linked list iterator class given in the text on page 400, your insertion and removal methods should throw an ItemNotFound exception.

Regarding command syntax, let's use single- or double-character commands, corresponding to the method names as follows:

  • MH and MT for the moveToHead and moveToTail methods.

    No arguments to these commands.

  • F and L for the first and last methods.

    No arguments to these commands.

  • A and R for the advance and retreat methods.

    No arguments to these commands.

  • IB and IA for the insertBefore and insertAfter methods.

    These should take a single integer parameter (give an error if none is given).

  • FF and FL for the findFirst and findLast methods.

    These should take a single integer parameter (give an error if none is given).

  • RF and RL for the removeFirst and removeLast methods.

    No arguments to these commands.

  • PF and PL for the printFirst and printLast methods

    No arguments to these commands.

  • Q for a quit command (no arguments).

Note that the use of the "R" character for a single-character command as well as for the beginning of a double-character command makes parsing a little more difficult.

Here is a sample run showing typical input/output (you should feel free to use appropriate introductory text and prompts of your own design):

Welcome to List-o-Rama, your doubly-linked list service center.
Enter commands one per line, and input values where indicated:

> P

  [no elements]

> MH

  Error: no head to move to
> IA 5

  [this is allowed, even though no current item]
> PF


> IB 4

> IA 3
> PF

  4 *5* 3

> A
> PF

  4 5 *3*
> Q  -- OK, time to quit (end-of-line text is ignored)

Thanks for using List-o-Rama, come again soon!


Your project will be assessed on the basis of both a "live" demonstration and a hard copy description and print-out of the project code. The printed version should specify both members of your group and should specifically mention any free late days used, remaining problems or bugs, special enhancements, etc. In addition to "raw code", you should include a brief introduction describing anything that is special in your approach to the problem (bugs, enhancements, etc., should also be mentioned here).

Your grade will be determined in part by the correctness of your code, but also by virtue of the techniques you use to implement it.

I will be available in lab on Monday mornings from 10:00 - 11:30 for demonstrations. You may also demonstrate at other times (Thursday morning office hours will likely be popular), including by appointment, but you must demonstrate your project and hand in your hard copy by the due date unless you receive a specific provision otherwise (see also the information about free late days on the syllabus).