Some error message haiku

I saw these little poems about error messages making the rounds and thought they might give you some solace late in the night when Java is making you miserable.

  Three things are certain:
  Death, taxes, and lost data.
  Guess which has occurred.
  Windows NT crashed.
  I am the Blue Screen of Death.
  No one hears your screams.
  The code was willing,
  It considered your request,
  But the chips were weak.
  A file that big?
  It might be very useful.
  But now it is gone.
  Errors have occurred.
  We won't tell you where or why.
  Lazy programmers.
  Login incorrect.
  Only perfect spellers may
  enter this system.
  Wind catches lily
  Scattering petals to the wind:
  Segmentation fault
  The Web site you seek
  cannot be located but
  endless others exist
  Stay the patient course
  Of little worth is your ire
  The network is down