Topics for Lab 0

  1. Antikythera mechanism
  2. Napier's rods
  3. Jacquard's loom
  4. Charles Babbage, difference engine and the analytic engine
  5. Blaise Pascal and the mechanical adder
  6. Gottfried Leibiz and the mechanical calculator
  7. Ada Augusta Byron, Countess of Lovelace
  8. Herman Hollerith
  9. E. O. Carissan
  10. Leonardo Torres y Quevedo
  11. Alan Turing
  12. Howard Aiken and the Mark I
  13. John Vincent Atanasoff
  14. John Mauchly, J. Eckert and the ENIAC
  15. John von Neumann and the EDVAC
  16. Konrad Zuse and the Z3
  17. Maurice Wilkes and the EDSAC
  18. William Shockley
  19. Jay Forrester
  20. Grace Murray Hopper
  21. John Backus
  22. Robert Noyce
  23. ARPAnet and the beginnings of the internet
  24. CRAY-1, CRAY XMP
  25. other