My Bicycling Interests

I've been a "serious cyclist" for about 30 years, and have at least dabbled in almost all types of cycling. The types I've the most experience in are bicycle touring (multi-day camping trips), randonneur or "ultra-marathon" events, tandeming and bicycle mechanics.

Bicycle Touring

I've been on 9 tours of a week or more. The second was an organized tour with Bikecentennial (now The Adventure Cycling Association), all the rest were self- designed, and all but the first two were on tandem with my wife. The longest tandem trip was a 30 day tour from Colorado to Oregon when I came to Willamette. The most elegant was a bed-and-breakfast hop in the Loire valley in France before Paris-Brest-Paris (see next section). Here's the chateau at Chenonceau (no, we didn't stay there).

 If you are interested in Bicycle Touring, The Adventure Cycling Association is an excellent source for information.

Randonneur events

Hmm... how to translate Randonneur? I once heard it said that a Randonneur is a cyclist who rides not to compete nor to see the sights, but just for the fun of riding.

When I talk of Randonneur events, I am thinking mainly of long-distance rides completed in some fixed time frame: 100 miles in daylight (also called a century ride in the US), 200 miles in 24 hours (a double-century), 300 miles in 24 hours (a triple century) or others. The French randonneurs have 200, 300, 400, and 600 km rides (also called brevets), and every four years the Audax Club Parisien puts on one of the biggest randonnees/brevets of all, Paris-Brest-Paris (PBP), 1200 km (~750 miles) from Paris to Brest and back in 90 hours.  For info on randonnees in the US, see, or the local club, Oregon Randonneurs.

I've finished three triple-centuries around fourty double-centuries, though only a few doubles and no triples in recent years. We went to Paris for PBP in 1987 but "blew up" at about 400 miles from lack of sleep and poor diet. Below you can see me (at left), my wife, and friends, on the Champs d'Elysee a day before PBP began.  Another rider's PBP experience.

Recent adventures: The Ultimate Oregon Road Bike Ride, Oregon Randonneurs Three Capes 300K, Salem Bicycle Club's Watermelon Rides (200 mile route).

Tandem bicycles

Take a good look at the bike in the picture above. That's the rear end of our tandem. Most of the really long rides listed above were done on this bike. I could go on for pages about tandems, but instead I'll refer you to Wade Blomgren's tandem page which is a good start.

Bicycle Mechanics

I've been interested in bicycle mechanics (and the physics and design of bicycles) since college. I've worked in bike shops for brief periods, and have done all my own work since. Working on tandems is especially fun, as is building wheels. Here's a little tutorial I made for shipping or packing non-folding tires.  For the mathematically inclined, there is a nice topology problem in there somewhere.

Remember the motto:

 Bikus non lubrium bustibus

Last Modified August 15, 2006.
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