Two films were are viewing in this course are filmed in the Inland Sea area between Honshu and Shikoku. MacArthur's Children, called Setouchi shonen yakyudan (the Inland Sea Youth Baseball Team) in Japanese, is set on Awajishima or Awaji Island. For an interactive map in Japanese click here. Awajishima is the largest island in the Inland Sea. See another map. Twenty-four Eyes is set on Shodoshima, the second-largest of the islands. See a brief discussion of both islands here.

Below are sme of my own photographs of Shodoshima which I visited, in part, to see the set where a later, color version of Twenty-four Eyes was filmed.

I arrived on Shodo Shima by ferry from Takamatsu. We were approaching the terminal here.

The Inland Sea and the small islands we find there are very scenic.

On the island of Shodo Shima is a village where they filmed the second (1987) version of Twenty-Four Eyes, starring Tanaka Yuko. Below are some shots of the former set.

This is a welcoming sign. Below is a classroom.

Back at the terminal area where one disembarks from the ferry, there is a little Peace Park with statues of the teacher and her young charges: