Angel investing refers to high-net-worth individuals who provide financial backing to startups in exchange for equity ownership. These individuals are typically experienced entrepreneurs, business professionals, or retired executives who contribute insights and capital to help the startup succeed.
Angel investors play a crucial role in the early stages of a company's development. Especially when traditional sources of funding may be challenging to access. Angel investors differ from venture capital firms in a key aspect: they invest their own personal funds, as opposed to managing and investing pooled resources from a variety of investors. This means that their involvement can be more hands-on and they might provide more expertise and insights.
From C-suite positions and corporate lawyers to ecosystem builders, many careers benefit from experience as an angel investor. Startup founders, venture capitalists, and private equity professionals also benefit from the takeaways from the Angel Fund course.

Willamette's MBA program turns knowledge into action through hands-on learning. Students can engage directly with angel investment opportunities and immerse themselves in real-world scenarios. Willamette is shaping the next generation of leaders and investors.
The program's commitment to regional impact and dedication to continuous improvement underscores its position as a leader in experiential and consequential MBA education. If you're seeking a learning experience that goes beyond textbooks and lectures, explore Willamette's Oregon MBA programs. Your journey to becoming a well-rounded, hands-on professional starts here.