Math 163 - Discrete Math

Inga Johnson
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
Willamette University
Ford 212

Math 163 - Discrete Math - Syllabus
Class Meetings: TTh 9:40-11:10 Ford 204

Course Goals: To obtain calculational competency, concept understanding, and mathematical literacy in various areas of discrete mathematics. These areas include, but are not limited to, logic, elementary number theory, sequences, set theory, relations, and graph theory.
Textbook: Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 4th edition by Susanna Epp.

Course Grades:
Homework: 15%
Chapter Exams 60% (approximately 6 exams worth 10% each)
Final Exam or Final Project*: 25%

Homework: The homework for this course will be due in class on Tuesday. The weekly homework assignments will be posted on the course schedule. You may turn in ONE homework assignment late (within one week of when it was due) with no penalty. All late homework assignments should be clearly labeled with the phrase "Late Math 163 HW" at the top of the first page. Any late assignment turned in without this phrase might be lost, or confused with garbage and accidentally thrown out. Any additional late homework assignments will be accepted and corrected at my discretion.

Reading the Book and Class Participation: You will be given reading assignments from the textbook to read after the material is covered in class. A typical reading assignment could include reading over selected examples that were not covered in class, reading over selected applications that were not covered in class, or reviewing important concepts that were covered in class. Examples and content within the reading assignments should be studied (along with class notes) for the Chapter Exams.

Chapter Exams, and Final Exam: There will be approximately six in-class exams and a final exam. It is very likely that the last Chapter Exam will be given during the last week of the semester. All exams will be taken individually to test your calculational competency, concept understanding, and mathematical literacy over the topics covered thus far in the course. The date of the final exam is Friday, May 6, 2011, 8-11am. The final will be comprehensive. Students are expected to be present for all exams. Chapter Exam dates will be announced in class and posted on the course schedule. The final exam will not be given early or at alternate times. Make your summer travel plans accordingly. As a general rule you may expect exams to be graded and returned to you within 8 days unless notified otherwise.

Final Project: Interested students may submit a written request to complete a final course project in lieu of taking the final exam. This request must be received before Thursday, April 14, 2011, and only students with a current course grade of B or higher are eligible to submit a request. The project request should outline the topic to be studied, a clearly stated project goal, include a list of possible sources and describe a written and oral component that will be completed before the time of the final examination. Final Projects will be worth 25% of your course grade.

Class Preparation, Participation, Norms and Getting Help:

Special Note: If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please make arrangements to meet with me within the first two weeks of the semester. If your disability allows for you to have extra time on exams, you must make arrangements with me one week before the scheduled exam date. Please request that a Disability Services staff send me the appropriate forms verifying your disability and specifying the accommodation you will need.

Academic Honesty: In accordance with Willamette University CLA catalog: ``Plagiarism and cheating are offenses against the integrity of the courses in which they occur and against the College community as a whole... Ignorance of what constitutes plagiarism shall not be considered a valid defense. If students are uncertain as to what constitutes plagiarism for a particular assignment, they should consult the instructor for clarification. A faculty member may impose penalties for plagiarism and cheating ranging from a grade reduction on an assignment or an exam to failure in the course." For further information about the Willamette University academic honesty policy please refer to the CLA catalog.